Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rat Race

Recently. I sat down to watch the movie Ratatouille for the umpteenth time and it inspired me to change the way I look at Life generally. The narrative at the beginning by Remy, the main character, particularly got to me in a good way.
"This is me. I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. What's my problem? First of all, I'm a rat, which means life is hard. And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.This much I knew. If you are what you eat, then I only wanna eat the good stuff." ~ Remy.

Live. Love. Laugh. Life. The 4 Clichès of urban life. I consider myself somewhat a macho kind of person because experience has taught me that life is so much better when taken with the proverbial pinch of salt. therefore I say Respect. Risk. Relax. Resilient.
These to me are what have brought me so far so I shall gladly stand by them, they sort of tie my destiny. speaking of ties: What's a tie to you? A formality or a statement? 

I figure as a working man the least I could do is not to hang myself with it. Lately, my gifts i.e gifts given to me, have been rather predictable I should say. Its almost always a Tie. If its not a Tie, its a Shirt and a Tie. How extremely invigorating. I get moved by the gift so much sometimes, I cry. I on the other hand am supposed to be 'spontaneous' and 'creative' when I offer her birthday and anniversary gifts. I should get her a Plumb bob this time or a Spirit Level. Its quite funny getting her these especially since she is a student of architecture but I wouldn't live 3 seconds after she opened the gift so its not a very good idea. I desire to live a long life full of accomplishments and with her by my side. 

That notwithstanding, I got so many ties from her am beginning to think we really should tie the knot. We would have a Wedding and my Tuxedo Suit would be made from all the ties she's bought me. I got so many ties, they should call me Kantai. Just asking though, can Kantai tie a tie? Not around me, he'd be dead by the time he tongue twists. I am still resisting the urge to be a responsible working man. Whatever happened to descent irresponsibility. Aging gracefully is irony. But aside from the blabber jabber, she's really a good girl. Talking tough too. Talking about 3 in the Oven before 2012. I Love Ambition!
 I don't mind siring Little Leo Wallop the 3rd as long as I have nothing to do with siring Little Leo Wallop the 3rd. I am very consistent. 

So until then its Me Myself and a Camera. Nothing flashy, just clicking away at anything and nothing in particular. My name is Dick Swizzle.
By now you must have realized that this is Nothing but an indecent walk in the park, preferably stark naked but here are #5 Things I would Love to Do Before Age 40:

1. Fly a chopper across a game reserve, just me and my girlfriend.

2. Financially support at least 15 children through education and other needs.

3. Start my own small company in import-export business and see it grow to compete regionally.

4. Have at least 2 children; a boy and a girl.

5. Have a Phd. 

#totallyrandom : Women + Confectionary = Frenzy. I think they teach them to scream at the appearance of sweetness.

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